This is to inform all Filipinos in Timor-Leste who are in need of assistance due to COVID-19 concerns (particularly repatriation) you are requested to communicate with the Embassy by emailing the following documents to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the subject “REQUEST FOR ASSISTANCE DUE TO COVID-19”:
1. Accomplished Assistance to Nationals (ATN) Request Form and Personal Information Sheet Form; CLICK HERE.
2. Scanned copy of the valid passport data page;
3. Scanned copy of work visa/work permit;
4. Scanned copy of work contract;
5. Scanned copy of any other document from your employer that can support your request (e.g. termination letter, letter on unpaid or cut salaries/wages, etc.); and
6. Scanned copy of the Certificate of OWWA Membership or copy of receipt, if the Filipino is an active OWWA member.
Kindly provide all important details, especially mobile number and specific request for the Embassy’s timely and appropriate action.
For further inquiries on the procedures, you may call the Embassy hotline no. +670 7792.8092 text/call/Viber/WhatApp and +670 331.0407 or reach us through email. END