In view of the re-imposition of the “State of Emergency” in the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste from 06 August to 04 September 2020, the Philippine Embassy’s Consular Section will continue to adopt/implement the ON-LINE APPOINTMENT SYSTEM which has been proven successful since having been piloted starting 01 June 2020. This system aims to prevent social distancing/congestion and other health protocols regarding covid-19 and in compliance with the Timor-Leste Government’s preventive measures for the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Exceptions to the on line appointment system are the following:
- Walk-in clients for ATN cases
- Senior citizen/s or a Person with disability
- Minor children below five (5) years old
Those with appointments will be prioritized. Filipino individuals who intend to avail themselves of the consular services are encouraged to book an appointment by clicking the following link:
- Please visit and check the requirements and fees for each service
- The client should also have an email address.
- Open link in your desktop/laptop or mobile phone.
- Select the service you wish to avail (you can only select one service at a time; if you will require more than one service, please book another appointment/schedule).
- Select your preferred date and time schedule.
- Select option “Skip login process” and fill in the required details:
- Client’s Name
- Email address
- Mobile Number
- Address in Timor-Leste
Click box indicating that you agree with the cancellation/rescheduling policy within 1 hour of the appointment time selected.
After setting up and confirmation of your appointment go to your registered email address,
Download and print your confirmed appointment showing your booking ID and bring with you when visiting the Embassy.
For any question on the online appointment system, please call/text/WhatsApp: +670-7792092 (open 24/7 for ATN and other similar and extremely urgent cases) or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Dili, 10 August 2020