Courtesy Call to Prime Minister TMR

On 30 June 2020, Philippine Ambassador Abdulmaid K. Muin accompanied by Col. Rodrigo O. Sosmeña Philippine Defense and Armed Forces and Attaché (DAFA) attended the bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak upon invitation of the Prime Minister purposely to brief the Ambassador and party on the significant developments in the host country on four (4) topics: Political, COVID-19, Economic situations, and Bilateral/Multilateral relations. Following are the salient excerpts of the brief in Portuguese language and translated to English through an interpreter:


Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak acknowledged the political instability brought about by the non-passage of the national budget early this year. The PM however, guaranteed the political stability until 2023 Presidential Election after the new tri-party coalition (Fretilin, PLP, Khunto) acquired the majority in the Parliament in early June when the former ruling coalition, the Alliance for Change and Progress (AMP), collapsed and divided on national budget issue.

On 25 June, Timor-Leste government has finally completed the members of the 8th Constitutional Government after the President of the Republic, Francisco "Lu- Olo" Guterres swore-in 8 new cabinet members to complement the lacking line-up of Ministers for the past two years.

The assurance of political stability was personally conveyed by the PM, who is the head of the 8th Government, to the partner nations through their Ambassadors in the country, in the scheduled series of bilateral meetings.


As soon as the first COVID-19 case was reported in March, TL government immediately closed the land border and suspended international flights. As of 16 May, the peak of 24 cases was recorded but without death. All of these were imported cases and all have recovered. Now, TL proudly reports zero COVID -19 case. The country imposed a 30-day State of Emergency (SOE) starting 28 March and extended twice until it ended on 26th June. The SOE was aimed at implementing tough measures in the land and air entry points, but allowed little flexibility in the communities to allow people to look for food. It also authorized the government in withdrawing money from the Petroleum Fund of the government.

The end of the SOE does not mean the country to stop implementing preventive measures. It still maintains tough measures in the border and suspends international flights except for one flight to Darwin, Australia (3x a week) which has contract with the government. This was to ensure that COVID-19 cases testing and confirmation in Australia remains unhampered.

The Integrated Crises Management Center created during the declaration of SOE was dismantled on 29 June and returned the control and monitoring of the situation to the Ministry of Health (MOH). The Prime Minister remains as the chairman and continues to monitor the evolution of the situation thru the MOH.

The country remains vigilant in the maritime and air borders despite limited capacity to strictly implement restrictions.

The country is working on to improve its resiliency to cope up pandemic and natural disasters. It can be noted that the entire country had only one (1) ventilator and two (2) technicians when COVID-19 hit the country. No laboratory to examine swab tests, hence the need to send all tests samples to Darwin, Australia through the contracted flight of AirNorth. The Australian government helped establish the lone testing laboratory of the country and has been operational already.


Timor-Leste is facing economic growth of -6% (contracted), much worse compared to last year's -4.1 % growth. Year 2017-2018 also posted negative growth. The country's economy is 90% dependent on petroleum industry.

During this pandemic, the government implemented stabilization program by injecting money to the communities and essential private companies. It has already spent $140M worth of "cash transfer" to Timorese families. As of today, 298,000 families benefited from this program. Each family received $100 monthly support for three months under the SOE.

The government is operating under a "duodecimo budget" (monthly budget just enough to maintain government functions) while the state budget is not yet approved.

To recover the economy, the government created a team of economic experts tasked to find consensus from all sectors to recover growth.

Priority areas of recovery are:

-Analyze the present reforms and to continue what are necessary;

-Productivity and employment targeting infrastructures;

-Fisheries and agriculture- this is most challenging because the country is losing $250M per year to illegal fishing. The country has no single vessel to implement its marine laws.

On food security, the country imports rice from Vietnam to ensure steady supply of food. Land border only allows entry of food supplies and basic commodities.

The government will improve its internet reliability to allow study at home and work from home arrangement in order to be better prepared for future calamities.

Bilateral/Multilateral Relations

The PM wishes to revitalize all diplomatic cooperation programs which were suspended due to the pandemic. He ordered the different Ministers to start slowly existing cooperation programs as soon as international flights return to normal.

The PM raised the countries efforts to join ASEAN. This effort is not new to Timor-Leste as it dates back right after its restoration of independence from Indonesia in 2002. The government then expressed its "strategic decision" to become a member state of ASEAN. The government understands the "consensus" of the member states to vote for its acceptance.

PM underscores two options to move forward with ASEAN membership: Prepare all conditions inside Timor-Leste that will warrant its admission; according to the "Pillars of ASEAN". Cancel its application and strengthen domestic affairs, then reapply again for the next 20-30 years when the country is in better position.

The Prime Minister conveyed to the Philippine Government and people headed by President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, his sentiment amid COVID-19 situation in the Philippines today. He also expressed his sympathy to the frontliners and families who lost their lives in the pandemic.

Following is the response of the Philippine Ambassador to Timor-Leste, Ambassador Abdulmaid K. Muin to the host:

Ambassador Muin expressed his appreciation to the PM for the invitation for a bilateral meeting. He congratulated the Timorese Government for effectively handling the COVID-19 situation in the country as manifested by its zero death and 100% recovery of patients. The Ambassador also appreciated the Timorese government for keeping a safe working environment for the OFWs in the country and likewise, expressed his gratitude to the Prime Minister in allowing the cancellation of immigration fees penalties to 14 of the 35 OFWs whose documents expired and have overstayed in Timor-Leste and finally got repatriated to Manila on 25 May 2020.

Furthermore, the Ambassador respectfully raised the issue of possible pardon or commutation of sentence to the four (4) Filipinos who were convicted of homicide in July 2013 to the Prime Minister. Formal requests and letters previously submitted to the Government through appropriate channels were also furnished by the Ambassador to the Prime Minister for his perusal. The PM positively acknowledged giving preferential attention to the said request after consultation with the concerned cabinet members.

Lastly, the Ambassador assured the PM of the Philippine government position of supporting Timor-Leste on its bid to join the ASEAN. The country will actively participate in the incoming ASEAN assessment team that will evaluate TL's socio-cultural pillar.

The meeting lasted for one hour and ended with exchange of pleasantries and photo-ops. END


Courtesy cal Photo OP

Photo Op Courtesy call to PM

Timorese Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak (right), Philippine Ambassador to Timor-Leste Abdulmaid K. Muin (center) and Philippine Defense and Armed Forces and Attaché Colonel Rodrigo O. Sosmeña (left).

(Prime Minister Photographer Photo)