PH Embassy hosts lecture-training on protocol for local staff in Dili

DFA Deputy Chief of Protocol Mary Jennifer D. Dingal delivers her introductory lecture on the first day of the Lecture-Training on Basic Diplomatic and Government Protocol at the Philippine Embassy chancery.

Dili, 21 November 2023 – The Philippine Embassy in Dili hosted a two-day Lecture-Training on Basic Diplomatic and Government Protocol at the Embassy chancery from 15 to 16 November 2023.

The participants included locally hired staff of several foreign embassies in Dili, majority of whom were Timorese, as well as several personnel from the Philippine Embassy.

A team composed of DFA Deputy Chief of Protocol Mary Jennifer D. Dingal, Ms. Cielo L. Gamayon and Mr. Jose Paolo Miguel M. Festejo from the DFA-Office of Protocol, with the support of the Technical Cooperation Council of the Philippines (TCCP), traveled to Dili to conduct the lecture-training.

Throughout the two-day training, participants learned about basic diplomatic protocol, events and conference management, order of precedence, ceremonial protocol and social protocol, and undertook simulation activities of official events.

Deputy Chief of Protocol Dingal emphasized to participants the importance of protocol not only at work but also in one’s personal life. She also looked forward to their future use of their newfound knowledge and skills.

The Lecture-Training on Basic Diplomatic and Government Protocol was the second capacity-building activity in Timor-Leste that has been facilitated by the Philippine Government this year, following the Training on Food Processing conducted by the TCCP and the Department of Science and Technology-Industrial Technology Development Institute (DOST-ITDI) in Hera, Dili in September. END

DFA Deputy Chief of Protocol Mary Jennifer D. Dingal (fifth from right, first row) and First Secretary and Consul Dean Jason N. Arriola (fourth from right, first row) are joined by members of the training team from the DFA-Office of Protocol and the participants of the Lecture-Training on Basic Diplomatic and Government Protocol for a group photo.

Group One recreates a guestbook signing ceremony.

Group Two recreates a ribbon cutting ceremony.

Group Three recreates an agreement signing ceremony.