The Philippine Embassy in Dili wishes to inform the public that in support to the efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19, All Filipino nationals living and working in the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste is advised of the following measures:
1. Avoid close contact with people who are sick suffering from acute respiratory infections;
2. Reduced exposure practice, cancel/defer attendance in any public events and social gatherings;
3.Office/Personal transaction if any, make sure that you are well and practice wearing facemasks especially with symptoms of acute respiratory infections (coughs, colds), to ensure the safety of the general public;
4. Practice self-check for symptoms related to COVID 2019, that if somebody has the symptoms of a flu (colds, dry cough, fever, and shortness of breath) he/she must incubate himself/herself for a maximum of 14 days, isolating himself alone at home (stay at home) or go to the hospital for proper management to prevent the virus from spreading any further. After a member of the household got sick, always keep the place clean by cleaning it with any disinfectant; avoid close contact with live or dead farm or wild animals; keep watch of your health by drinking 8-12 glasses of water and taking Vitamin C and other known immune system enhancer daily;
5. Observe the protective/precautionary measures prescribed by the World Health Organization (WHO), such as proper and frequent hand-washing with soap and water and/or alcohol/sanitizer, especially after direct contact with ill people or their environment; cook the food (meat) thoroughly;
6.Monitor local and international news and announcements from official sources about COVID-19 for factual information, for proper decision making for yourself and family;
7. Strictly compliance/observance of government health protocols and policy with regards spreading fake news about the disease.
The Embassy will always provide safety nets and well-being of all Filipino community under its jurisdiction.
For more information, please follow, like and share the Embassy’s Facebook page and WHO-TL’s for updates.