
PHOTO: As part of its public diplomacy efforts, the Philippine Embassy in Dili, led by Philippine Ambassador to Timor-Leste Abdulmaid K. Muin, participated in the 2020 National Program of Planting Trees held at the village of Sabuli, Metinaro, District of Dili, Timor-Leste on 13 March 2020 upon the invitation of Timorese President Francisco Guterres Lu’ Olo. The tree planting is geared towards the prevention, preservation, and conservation of nature in one of the villages in Dili, Timor-Leste. (Juliao Fernandez photos)

Group 2

Group 1

Philippine Ambassador Timor-Leste Abdulmaid K. Muin (fourth from right) with Timorese President Francisco Guterres Lu’ Olo (center in blue shirt).