1. Confirmed Online Appointment - To schedule an online appointment
  2. Accomplished Application Form;
  3. Personal appearance of minor applicant and either parent or authorized adult companion;
  • The accompanying adult companion shall submit supporting documents depending on the case of the minor. The list can be found below.
  1. Current or latest-issued passport with photocopy of data page;
  2. PSA-issued Certificate of Live Birth or PSA Report of Birth as proof of filiation; and
  3. Valid identification card or other competent proof of identity of the minor applicant
  4. Passport or valid identification card of the accompanying parent or authorized adult companion.

Supporting Documents for Minor Renewal Applications

Pursuant to Section 6 of R.A. 11983, supporting documents will be further required in addition to the basic requirements to prove the applicant’s identity, citizenship and lack of travel restrictions, as specified in the following cases:

For Lost VALID or EXPIRED Passports

  • Copy of lost passport (if available);
  • Police Report (with English translation, if applicable) filed by parent/s, legal guardian or person authorized by parent/s who will accompany the minor applicant on the day of application. Original and photocopy required);
  • Notarized Affidavit of Loss (It must be signed by parent/s, legal guardian or person authorized by parent/s who will accompany the minor applicant on the day of application. Original and photocopy required); and
  • $150 – Lost valid passport
  • $90 – Lost expired or machine-readable passport

Note: Additional supporting documents may be required, as necessary to ascertain citizenship, identity and lack of travel restrictions.

For Renewal of a Frequently Lost Passport

  • Copy of latest-issued ePassport (if available)
  • Police Report (with English translation, if applicable) filed by parent/s, legal guardian or person authorized by parent/s who will accompany the minor applicant on the day of application. Original and photocopy required);
  • Notarized Affidavit of Loss (signed by parent/s, legal guardian or person authorized by parent/s who will accompany the minor applicant on the day of application); and
  • $150 – Lost valid passport

Note: If a photocopy of the applicant's latest issued passport is not available, on top of the requirements above, the PSA-issued Certificate of Live Birth will be required and will be treated as a new applicant. Additional supporting documents may be required, as necessary to ascertain citizenship, identity and lack of travel restrictions.

In Case Applicant Presented a one-way Travel Document/Travel Certificate for Passport Application

  • Original Travel Document
  • Notarized Affidavit of Explanation (signed by parent/s, legal guardian or person authorized by parent/s who will accompany the minor applicant on the day of application).

Additional supporting documents may be required, as necessary to ascertain citizenship, identity and travel restrictions.

In Case Applicant Lost the one-way Latest-Issued Travel Document/Travel Certificate

  • Original Travel Records from Bureau of Immigration or Travel History or records of arrival from the immigration authority of the host country; and
  • Notarized Affidavit of Explanation (signed by parent/s, legal guardian or person authorized by parent/s who will accompany the minor applicant on the day of application).

Additional supporting documents may be required, as necessary to ascertain citizenship, identity and travel restrictions.

For Damaged or Mutilated Passports

  • Notarized Affidavit of Explanation (signed by parent/s, legal guardian or person authorized by parent/s who will accompany the minor applicant on the day of application)

Note: On top of the requirements above, the PSA-issued Certificate of Live Birth will be required and will be treated as a new applicant. Additional supporting documents may be required, as necessary to ascertain citizenship, identity and lack of travel restrictions.

For Marital Minor Applicants (with married parents as stated in the minor applicant’s PSA Certificate of Live Birth)

  • Valid Philippine passport or other valid identification card of the accompanying parent and the copy of his/her spouse’s passport or other valid identification card;
  • If the accompanying parent is an alien, the non-Filipino parent must present his or her foreign passport and a copy of the Filipino parent’s Philippine passport or other valid identification card
  • If accompanied by an authorized adult companion, a Special Power of Attorney (SPA) executed by either of the minor’s parents or his/her legal guardian, as the case may be, his/her passport or other valid identification card, and a copy of the passport or other valid identification card of the minor’s parents.

For Non-Marital Minor Applicants (with unmarried parents as stated in the minor applicant’s PSA Certificate of Live Birth)

  • Only the mother applicant shall accompany the minor applicant in the passport application process;
  • A Special Power of Attorney (SPA) executed by the mother will be required if she is not accompanying the minor applicant.
  • If the Special Power of Attorney was executed abroad and not before an FSP, the Special Power of Attorney must be validly authenticated;
  • Passport or valid identification card of authorized adult companion (Please refer below)

In Case Applicant is not Accompanied by the Parent/s During the Application Process

  • Applicant must submit a Special Power of Attorney executed by either of the minor’s parents or his/her legal guardian designating an adult companion to assist in the application process.
  • If the Special Power of Attorney was executed abroad and not before an FSP, the Special Power of Attorney must be validly authenticated;
  • Passport or Valid Government issued ID of authorized adult companion (Please refer below); and
  • Special Power of Attorney must have a copy of parent/s valid ID and/or passport attached.

For Non-Marital Minor Applicants with a Deceased Mother, but Acknowledged by the Father (with unmarried parents as stated in the minor applicant’s PSA Certificate of Live Birth)

  • Personal appearance of minor applicant and biological father;
  • PSA-issued Certificate of Death or Report of Death of Mother;
  • PSA Birth Certificate with Acknowledgement of Paternity (must indicate the name of the father in the birth certificate);
  • Passport or Valid Government issued ID of biological father and legal guardian (Please refer below)

In the absence of father, the following may accompany the minor child in the order indicated:

  • Surviving grandparent (submission of PSA Certificate of Death of Mother;
  • Oldest brother or sister, over twenty-one years of age (submission of PSA Certificate of Death of Mother and PSA Certificate of Death of the Grandparent);
  • The child’s actual custodian, over twenty-one years of age (submission of court order for legal guardianship)

For Non-Marital Minor Applicants with a Deceased Mother and Father is Unknown (with unmarried parents as stated in the minor applicant’s PSA Certificate of Live Birth)

  • Personal appearance of minor applicant and court-appointed legal guardian
  • PSA Birth Certificate
  • Valid Passport or valid government ID* of adult guardian
  • Letter of Guardianship issued by Family Court

In case none of the above can accompany the minor applicant

  • In default of parents or a judicially appointed guardian, the persons exercising substitute parental authority under Article 216 of the Family Code of the Philippines shall prevail in determining the minor applicant’s companion in passport application, unless otherwise ordered by a competent Philippine court. In case of conflicting claims for custody, a court order shall be required; and
  • In cases involving Filipino minors abandoned abroad, the Consular Official of the concerned Philippine FSP may initiate the passport application with the best interest of the minor being the primary consideration.

For Minor Foundlings in the Philippines not for Adoption

  1. Personal appearance of minor applicant and the NACC Social Worker or Liaison Officer;
  2. PSA-issued Certificate of Foundling;
  3. Letter of Guardianship issued by the Family Court; and
  4. Valid ID of the guardian.

For Minor Applicants who are Prospective Adoptees for Domestic Adoption

  1. Personal appearance of minor applicant and NACC Social Worker or Liaison Officer;
  2. PSA-issued Certificate of Live Birth or Report of Birth or Certificate of Foundling;
  3. Valid passport or valid government-issued ID of authorized NACC Social Worker or Liaison Officer;
  4. Certificate of Child Available for Adoption or Deed of Voluntary Commitment / Certificate Declaring a Child Legally Available for Adoption issued by the National Authority for Child Care; and
  5. Official letter or Special Power of Attorney signed by the NACC Regional Office authorizing the Social Worker to process and receive the passport of the minor applicant and must include a copy of valid government-issued ID and/or passport.

Note: If an applicant is not accompanied by an authorized NACC Social Worker during the application process, the applicant must submit an SPA executed by the authorized

NACC Regional Office designating the minor’s companion to assist in the application

process and must include a copy of valid government-issued ID and/or passport.

For Minor Applicants who are Adoptees through Domestic Adoption

  1. Personal appearance of minor applicant and adoptive parent/s;
  2. Amended PSA-issued Certificate of Live Birth or Report of Birth, indicating the child’s adoptive name and name of adoptive parents;
  3. Passports or any valid identification card of the adoptive parent/s or authorized adult companion; and
  4. Certified True Copy of Court Decree of Adoption or NACC-issued Order of Adoption.

For Minor Applicants who are Prospective Adoptees for Foreign Adoption

  1. PSA-issued Certificate of Live Birth, Report of Birth or Certificate of Foundling;
  2. Endorsement from NACC;
  3. Certificate Declaring a Child Legally Available for Adoption or Deed of Voluntary Commitment;
  4. Placement Authority issued by NACC;
  5. Certificate for Issuance of Passport issued by NACC;
  6. Travel Clearance Certificate for adoptee;
  7. Child Study Report; and
  8. Clearance for Intercountry Adoption.

For Minor Applicants who are Adoptees through Foreign Adoption

  1. Personal appearance of minor applicant and adoptive parent/s;
  2. Amended PSA-issued Certificate of Live Birth, Report of Birth;
  3. Passport/s of adoptive parent/s or authorized adult companion. If the adoptive parents are foreign nationals, presentation of their valid foreign passports is acceptable; and
  4. Certified True Copy of Court Decree of Adoption.


Applicant must present the original with a photocopy of the following valid identification:

  • For applicants based overseas, they present use their host government issued IDs such as the Residence Card (with English Translation, if necessary) showing Philippine citizenship
  • Philippine Identification (PhilID), Electronic Philippine IE, Digital PhilID (printed copy must be submitted)
  • Social Security System (SSS) Card
  • Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) Card
  • Unified Multi-Purpose Identification (UMID) Card
  • Land Transportation Office (LTO) Driver’s License. Student Permit may be accepted if in card format.
  • Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC) ID
  • Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) E-Card
  • Commission on Elections (COMELEC) Voter's ID or Voter's Certificate issued from COMELEC main office in Intramuros, Manila.
  • Philippine National Police (PNP) Permit to Carry Firearms Outside Residence
  • Senior Citizen ID
  • Airman License (issued August 2016 onwards)
  • Philippine Postal ID (issued November 2016 until September 2023)
  • Seafarer's Record Book (SRB) or Seafarers Identity Document (SID) (*must be issued Feb 2020 onwards) issued by the Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA)
  • Valid or Latest Passport (For Renewal of Passport)
  • School ID (if applicable) for minor applicants
  • If school ID is not applicable: Certificate of Enrollment with photo of minor and dry seal of school
  • For adult students: School ID and Certificate of Registration.


  • All IDs presented should be readable, untampered with, and contain consistent information with the documents presented upon application.

Important Reminder: The Department may require additional supporting documents as may be necessary.



  1. Confirmed Online Appointment - To schedule an online appointment
  2. Accomplished Application Form;
  3. Personal appearance of minor applicant and either parent or authorized adult companion; and
  • For accompanying authorized adult companion, supporting documents depending on the case of the minor can be found below
  1. Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) issued Certificate of Live Birth;
  • Local Civil Registrar Copy may be required if PSA Certificate of Live Birth is not clear or cannot be read.
  1. Valid identification card or competent proof of identity of the minor applicant
  2. Passport or valid identification card of the accompanying parent or authorized adult companion.

Supporting Documents for Minor New Applications

Pursuant to Section 6 of R.A. 11983, supporting documents will be further required in addition to the basic requirements to prove the applicant’s identity, citizenship and lack of travel restrictions, as specified in the following cases:

For New Born Applicants (less than 1 year old) with no PSA Birth Certificate/Report of Birth yet

  • If born in the Philippines - The minor applicant may submit a Certified True Copy (CTC) of Local Civil Registrar (LCR) Birth Certificate authenticated by the PSA.
  • If born abroad - The minor applicant may submit original copy of the Report of Birth filed at Post or first indorsement from Consular Records Division (CRD).

Additional supporting documents if the minor’s PSA-issued Certificate of Live Birth or PSA Report of Birth is late registered [one (1) year after the event]:

To present and submit at least one (1) of the following:

  • School Records;
  • Baby book or health record or its equivalent document;
  • Foreign passport (if applicable);
  • Residence card issued by host government (with English translation if applicable)

For Marital Minor Applicants (with married parents as stated in the minor applicant’s PSA Certificate of Live Birth)

  • Valid Philippine passport or valid identification card of the accompanying parent and the copy of his/her spouse’s passport or valid identification card;
  • If the accompanying parent is an alien, the foreign passport of the accompanying alien parent or other valid and sufficient proof of identity.
  • Marital Minor Applicants Accompanied by an Authorized Representative of the Parents or Person Lawfully Exercising Parental Authority over the Minor
  • Notarized Special Power of Attorney executed by either or both of the parents, or by the person lawfully exercising parental authority over the minor
  • Copy of the Passport or other valid identification card of the minor’s parents

For Non-Marital Minor Applicants (with unmarried parents as stated in the minor applicant’s PSA Certificate of Live Birth)

  • Only the mother applicant shall accompany the minor applicant in the passport application process;
  • A Special Power of Attorney (SPA) executed by the mother will be required if she is not accompanying the minor applicant. The SPA must be authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate if executed abroad; and
  • Passport or valid identification card of authorized adult companion (Please refer below)
  •  for the List of Acceptable IDs for Passport Application).

In Case Applicant is not Accompanied by the Parent/s During the Application Process

  • Applicant must submit a Special Power of Attorney (SPA) executed by either of the minor’s parents or his/her legal guardian designating an adult companion to assist in the application process.
  • If the Special Power of Attorney was executed abroad and not before an FSP, the Special Power of Attorney must be validly authenticated;
  • Passport or valid identification card of authorized adult companion
  • Special Power of Attorney must have a copy of parent/s valid ID and/or passport attached

For Non-Marital Minor Applicants with a Deceased Mother, but Acknowledged by the Father (with unmarried parents as stated in the minor applicant’s PSA Certificate of Live Birth)

  • Personal appearance of minor applicant and biological father;
  • PSA-issued Certificate of Death or Report of Death of Mother;
  • PSA Birth Certificate with Acknowledgement of Paternity (must indicate the name of the father in the birth certificate);
  • Passport or valid identification card of biological father and legal guardian

In the absence of father, the following may accompany the minor child in the order indicated:

  • Surviving grandparent (submission of PSA Certificate of Death of Mother;
  • Oldest brother or sister, over twenty-one years of age (submission of PSA Certificate of Death of Mother and PSA Certificate of Death of the Grandparent);
  • The child’s actual custodian, over twenty-one years of age (submission of court order for legal guardianship)

For Non-Marital Minor Applicants with a Deceased Mother and Father is Unknown (with unmarried parents as stated in the minor applicant’s PSA Certificate of Live Birth)

  • Personal appearance of minor applicant and court-appointed legal guardian
  • PSA Birth Certificate
  • Valid Passport or valid identification card of adult guardian (Please refer below)
  • Letter of Guardianship issued by Family Court

In case none of the above can accompany the minor applicant

  1. In default of parents or a judicially appointed guardian, the persons exercising substitute parental authority under Article 216 of the Family Code of the Philippines shall prevail in determining the minor applicant’s companion in passport application, unless otherwise ordered by a competent Philippine court. In case of conflicting claims for custody, a court order shall be required; and
  2.  In cases involving Filipino minors abandoned abroad, the Consular Official of the concerned Philippine FSP may initiate the passport application with the best interest of the minor being the primary consideration.

For Minor Foundlings in the Philippines not for Adoption

  1. Personal appearance of minor applicant and the NACC Social Worker or Liaison Officer;
  2. PSA-issued Certificate of Foundling;
  3. Letter of Guardianship issued by the Family Court; and
  4. Valid identification card of the guardian.

For Minor Applicants who are Prospective Adoptees for Domestic Adoption

  1. Personal appearance of minor applicant and NACC Social Worker or Liaison Officer;
  2. PSA-issued Certificate of Live Birth or Report of Birth or Certificate of Foundling;
  3. Valid passport or valid government-issued ID of authorized NACC Social Worker or Liaison Officer;
  4. Certificate of Child Available for Adoption or Deed of Voluntary Commitment / Certificate Declaring a Child Legally Available for Adoption issued by the National Authority for Child Care; and
  5. Official letter or Special Power of Attorney signed by the NACC Regional Office authorizing the Social Worker to process and receive the passport of the minor applicant and must include a copy of valid government-issued ID and/or passport.

Note: If an applicant is not accompanied by an authorized NACC Social Worker during the application process, the applicant must submit an SPA executed by the authorized

NACC Regional Office designating the minor’s companion to assist in the application

process and must include a copy of valid government-issued ID and/or passport.

For Minor Applicants who are Adoptees through Domestic Adoption

  1. Personal appearance of minor applicant and adoptive parent/s;
  2. Amended PSA-issued Certificate of Live Birth or Report of Birth, indicating the child’s adoptive name and name of adoptive parents;
  3. Passports or other valid identification card of the adoptive parent/s or authorized adult companion; and
  4. Certified True Copy of Court Decree of Adoption or NACC-issued Order of Adoption.

For Minor Applicants who are Prospective Adoptees for Foreign Adoption

  1. PSA-issued Certificate of Live Birth, Report of Birth or Certificate of Foundling;
  2. Endorsement from NACC;
  3. Certificate Declaring a Child Legally Available for Adoption or Deed of Voluntary Commitment;
  4. Placement Authority issued by NACC;
  5. Certificate for Issuance of Passport issued by NACC;
  6. Travel Clearance Certificate for adoptee;
  7. Child Study Report; and
  8. Clearance for Intercountry Adoption.

For Minor Applicants who are Adoptees through Foreign Adoption

  1. Personal appearance of minor applicant and adoptive parent/s;
  2. Amended PSA-issued Certificate of Live Birth, Report of Birth;
  3. Passport/s of adoptive parent/s or authorized adult companion. If the adoptive parents are foreign nationals, presentation of their valid foreign passports is acceptable; and
  4. Certified True Copy of Court Decree of Adoption.


Applicant must present the original with a photocopy of the following valid identification:

  • For applicants based overseas, they present use their host government issued IDs such as the Residence Card (with English Translation, if necessary) showing Philippine citizenship
  • Philippine Identification (PhilID), Electronic Philippine IE, Digital PhilID (printed copy must be submitted)
  • Social Security System (SSS) Card
  • Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) Card
  • Unified Multi-Purpose Identification (UMID) Card
  • Land Transportation Office (LTO) Driver’s License. Student Permit may be accepted if in card format.
  • Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC) ID
  • Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) E-Card
  • Commission on Elections (COMELEC) Voter's ID or Voter's Certificate issued from COMELEC main office in Intramuros, Manila.
  • Philippine National Police (PNP) Permit to Carry Firearms Outside Residence
  • Senior Citizen ID
  • Airman License (issued August 2016 onwards)
  • Philippine Postal ID (issued November 2016 until September 2023)
  • Seafarer's Record Book (SRB) or Seafarers Identity Document (SID) (*must be issued Feb 2020 onwards) issued by the Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA)
  • Valid or Latest Passport (For Renewal of Passport)
  • School ID (if applicable) for minor applicants
  • If school ID is not applicable: Certificate of Enrollment with photo of minor and dry seal of school
  • For adult students: School ID and Certificate of Registration.


  • All IDs presented should be readable, untampered with, and contain consistent information with the documents presented upon application.

Important Reminder: The Department may require additional supporting documents as may be necessary.




(Brown, Green, Machine Readable (Maroon) Passports or any older Passports)


  1. Confirmed Online Appointment
  2. Personal appearance;
  3. Accomplished Application Form;
  4. Current non-ePassport with photocopy of data page (if available);
  5. Original and photocopy of Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) issued Certificate of Live Birth on Security Paper; and
  • Married Females (who are using their spouse’s last name) must also present Original and submit photocopy of PSA-issued Certificate of Marriage on Security Paper or Report of Marriage.
  • Local Civil Registrar Copy is required if PSA-issued documents are not clear or cannot be read.

6. Any of the following valid identification cards with one (1) photocopy (Please refer below).

Note: If a woman opts to retain maiden name, a PSA-issued Certificate of Marriage is not required.

Supporting Documents for Adult Renewal (NON-ELECTRONIC PASSPORT) Applications
(Brown, Green, Machine Readable (Maroon) Passports or any older Passports)

Pursuant to Section 6 of R.A. 11983, supporting documents will be further required in addition to the basic requirements to prove the applicant’s identity, citizenship and lack of travel restrictions, as specified in the following cases:

NOTE: Some cases will require the application to be treated as a New Application rather than a renewal

For Lost Expired Non-ePassports

  • Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) issued Certificate of Live Birth;
  • Valid identification card;
  • Police Report (with English translation if applicable);
  • Notarized Affidavit of Loss; and
  • $90 – Machine readable passport

Note: If a photocopy of the applicant's latest issued passport is not available, on top of the requirements above, the PSA-issued Certificate of Live Birth will be required and will be treated as a new applicant. Additional supporting documents may be required, as necessary to ascertain citizenship, identity and lack of travel restrictions.

For Renewal of a Frequently Lost Passport

  • Police Report (with English translation, if applicable);
  • Notarized Affidavit of Loss; and
  • $150 – Lost valid passport

Note: If a photocopy of the applicant's latest issued passport is not available, on top of the requirements above, the PSA-issued Certificate of Live Birth will be required and will be treated as a new applicant. Additional supporting documents may be required, as necessary to ascertain citizenship, identity and lack of travel restrictions.

In Case Applicant Presented a one-way Travel Document/Travel Certificate for Passport Application - Treated as NEW APPLICATION

  • Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) issued Certificate of Live Birth;
  • Valid identification card;
  • Original Travel Document; and
  • Notarized Affidavit of Explanation.

Additional supporting documents may be required, as necessary to ascertain citizenship, identity and travel restrictions.

In Case Applicant Lost the one-way Latest-Issued Travel Document/Travel Certificate - Treated as NEW APPLICATION

  • Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) issued Certificate of Live Birth;
  • Valid identification card;
  • Original Travel Records from Bureau of Immigration or Travel History or records of arrival from the immigration authority of the host country; and
  • Notarized Affidavit of Explanation.

Additional supporting documents may be required, as necessary to ascertain citizenship, identity and travel restrictions.

For Damaged or Mutilated Passports

  • Notarized Affidavit of Explanation

Note: On top of the requirements above, the PSA-issued Certificate of Live Birth will be required and will be treated as a new applicant. Additional supporting documents may be required, as necessary to ascertain citizenship, identity and lack of travel restrictions.

For Dual Citizen Passport Applicants

Natural-born Dual Citizens:

1. Latest-issued Philippine passport; and

2. PSA-issued Certificate of Live Birth or PSA-issued Report of Birth.

Dual Citizens who availed of the provisions of Republic Act No. 9225:

  1. Latest-issued Philippine passport;
  1. Original and photocopy of Oath of Allegiance, Order of Approval, or Identification Certificate issued by a Philippine FSP; or Certificate of Retention/Re-acquisition of Philippine Citizenship or any equivalent document issued by BI; and
  1. Valid government-issued ID or their secondary citizenship/residence Counterparts.

For Naturalized Citizen Passport Applicants

  1. Latest-issued Philippine passport; and
  2. Identification Certificate of Naturalization from the Bureau of Immigration, or Certificate of Naturalization issued by the Special Committee on Naturalization (SCN), or copy of the final Court Judgment or Law granting Philippine citizenship.

For Applicants who are Filipino Citizens by Election

  1. Latest-issued Philippine passport;
  2. Documents of election of Philippine citizenship; and
  3. Identification Certificate issued by the BI.

If a Married Woman Applicant Wishes to Revert to her Maiden Name 

  • By virtue of death of the spouse:
  • PSA-issued Certificate of Death or Report of Death (ROD) of spouse orapostillized or authenticated Foreign Death Certificate of foreign spouse with English translation, if applicable;
  • PSA-issued Certificate of Live Birth or Report of Birth; and
  • Latest issued Philippine passport (if available).


  • By virtue of an annulment, declaration of nullity of marriage, judicially-recognized foreign divorce, and judicially-recognized divorce under Presidential Decree No.1083 (Code of Muslim Personal Laws of the Philippines):
  • PSA-issued Certificate of Marriage or Report of Marriage (ROM) with annotation reflecting the nullity or dissolution of marriage
  • PSA-issued Certificate of Live Birth or Report of Birth; and
  • Latest issued Philippine passport (if available).


  • For other reasons of reversion:


  • PSA-issued Certificate of Live Birth or Report of Birth;
  • Notarized Affidavit of Explanation that includes request for the reversion of maiden name in the Philippine passport or travel document and stating she has not hitherto availed of the reversion;
  • Latest-issued Philippine passport or travel document; and
  • Any existing valid identification card accepted for passport application reflecting the maiden name.

Note: This mode of reversion can only be done once.


Applicant must present the original with a photocopy of the following valid identification:

  • For applicants based overseas, they present use their host government issued IDs such as the Residence Card (with English Translation, if necessary) showing Philippine citizenship
  • Philippine Identification (PhilID), Electronic Philippine IE, Digital PhilID (printed copy must be submitted)
  • Social Security System (SSS) Card
  • Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) Card
  • Unified Multi-Purpose Identification (UMID) Card
  • Land Transportation Office (LTO) Driver’s License. Student Permit may be accepted if in card format.
  • Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC) ID
  • Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) E-Card
  • Commission on Elections (COMELEC) Voter's ID or Voter's Certificate issued from COMELEC main office in Intramuros, Manila.
  • Philippine National Police (PNP) Permit to Carry Firearms Outside Residence
  • Senior Citizen ID
  • Airman License (issued August 2016 onwards)
  • Philippine Postal ID (issued November 2016 until September 2023)
  • Seafarer's Record Book (SRB) or Seafarers Identity Document (SID) (*must be issued Feb 2020 onwards) issued by the Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA)
  • Valid or Latest Passport (For Renewal of Passport)
  • School ID (if applicable) for minor applicants
  • If school ID is not applicable: Certificate of Enrollment with photo of minor and dry seal of school
  • For adult students: School ID and Certificate of Registration.


  • All IDs presented should be readable, untampered with, and contain consistent information with the documents presented upon application.

Important Reminder: The Department may require additional supporting documents as may be necessary.





  1. Confirmed Online Appointment
  2. Accomplished Application Form;
  3. Personal appearance;
  4. Current ePassport with photocopy of data page; and
  5. Original PSA-issued documents that will support the change of name:
  • Certificate of Marriage if married women will use spouse’s surname;
  • Annotated Certificate of Live Birth if with corrected entries;
  • Annotated Certificate of Marriage to show annulment/divorce/court ordered instruction; and/or
  • Certificate of Death of Spouse if married women will revert to the use of maiden name

Note: If a woman opts to retain maiden name, a PSA-issued Certificate of Marriage is not required.

Supporting Documents for Adult Renewal of ePassport Applications

Pursuant to Section 6 of R.A. 11983, supporting documents will be further required in addition to the basic requirements to prove the applicant’s identity, citizenship and lack of travel restrictions, as specified in the following cases:

Note: Some cases will require the application to be treated as a New Application rather than a renewal.

For Lost VALID and EXPIRED Passports

  • Copy of lost passport (if available);
  • Police Report (with English translation, if applicable);
  • Notarized Affidavit of Loss;
  • $90 – Lost expired and machine-readable passport
  • $150 – Lost valid passport

Note: For applicants who have copies of their lost ePassports, the PSA-issued Certificate of Live Birth and valid ID will not be required. However, additional supporting documents may be required, as necessary to ascertain citizenship, identity and lack of travel restrictions.

For Renewal of a Frequently Lost Passport

  • Police Report (with English translation, if applicable);
  • Notarized Affidavit of Loss; and
  • $150 – Lost valid passport

Note: If a photocopy of the applicant's latest issued passport is not available, on top of the requirements above, the PSA-issued Certificate of Live Birth will be required and will be treated as a new applicant. Additional supporting documents may be required, as necessary to ascertain citizenship, identity and lack of travel restrictions.

For Applicants with Unclaimed Passports

Applicant may request for a Certificate of Unclaimed Passport either at the office where the unclaimed passport was issued, nearest consular office or at DFA Aseana;

  • Certificate of Unclaimed Passport;
  • Notarized Affidavit of Explanation;

Additional supporting documents may be required, as necessary to ascertain citizenship, identity and lack of travel restrictions.

In Case Applicant Presented a one-way Travel Document/Travel Certificate for Passport Application

  • Original Travel Document; and
  • Notarized Affidavit of Explanation.

Additional supporting documents may be required, as necessary to ascertain citizenship, identity and travel restrictions.

In Case Applicant Lost the one-way Latest-Issued Travel Document/Travel Certificate

  • Travel Records from Bureau of Immigration or Travel History or records of arrival from the immigration authority of the host country;
  • PSA-issued Certificate of Live Birth or PSA Report of Birth;
  • Any of the following valid identification cards with one (1) photocopy
  • Notarized Affidavit of Explanation.

Additional supporting documents may be required, as necessary to ascertain citizenship, identity and travel restrictions.

For Damaged or Mutilated Passports

  • Notarized Affidavit of Explanation
  • PSA-issued Certificate of Live Birth
  • Any of the following valid identification cards with one (1) photocopy

For Dual Citizen Passport Applicants

Natural-born Dual Citizens:

1. Latest-issued Philippine passport; and

2. PSA-issued Certificate of Live Birth or PSA-issued Report of Birth.

Dual Citizens who availed of the provisions of Republic Act No. 9225:

  1. Latest-issued Philippine passport;
  2. Original and photocopy of Oath of Allegiance, Order of Approval, or Identification Certificate issued by a Philippine FSP; or Certificate of Retention/Re-acquisition of Philippine Citizenship or any equivalent document issued by BI; and
  3. Valid government-issued ID or their secondary citizenship/residence counterparts.

For Naturalized Citizen Passport Applicants

  1. Latest-issued Philippine passport; and
  2. Identification Certificate of Naturalization from the Bureau of Immigration, or Certificate of Naturalization issued by the Special Committee on Naturalization (SCN), or copy of the final Court Judgment or Law granting Philippine citizenship.

For Applicants who are Filipino Citizens by Election

  1. Latest-issued Philippine passport;
  2. Documents of election of Philippine citizenship; and
  3. Identification Certificate issued by the BI.

If a Married Woman Applicant Wishes to Revert to her Maiden Name

  • By virtue of death of the spouse:
  • PSA-issued Certificate of Death or Report of Death (ROD) of spouse or apostillized or authenticated Foreign Death Certificate of foreign spouse with English translation, if applicable;
  • PSA-issued Certificate of Live Birth or Report of Birth; and
  • Latest issued Philippine passport (if available).


  • By virtue of an annulment, declaration of nullity of marriage, judicially-recognized foreign divorce, and judicially-recognized divorce under Presidential Decree No.1083 (Code of Muslim Personal Laws of the Philippines):
    • PSA-issued Certificate of Marriage or Report of Marriage (ROM) with annotation reflecting the nullity or dissolution of marriage
    • PSA-issued Certificate of Live Birth or Report of Birth; and
    • Latest issued Philippine passport (if available).


  • For other reasons of reversion:


  • PSA-issued Certificate of Live Birth or Report of Birth;
  • Notarized Affidavit of Explanation that includes request for the reversion of maiden name in the Philippine passport or travel document and stating she has not hitherto availed of the reversion;
  • Latest-issued Philippine passport or travel document; and
  • Any existing government-issued valid ID accepted for passport application reflecting the maiden name.

Note: This mode of reversion can only be done once.